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How will Pokemon X & Y impact the Anime? - UPDATE: Begins October! | Page 6

re: How will Pokemon X & Y impact the Anime? - UPDATE: Begins October!

I'd like for Ash to pull a Johto, and reuse the Pokemon that he captured in BW in XY, only for them to gradually be replaced by a Pokemon from XY. Like how Squirtle joined the Squirtle Squad, and then a few episodes later Ash picked up Totodile.

As controversial as the topic of serious Team Rocket, and goofy Team Rocket is. I hope that TR goes back to their original ways (Which I believe they will be doing), with their Pokemon stealing attempts. I miss them at the Higaki Conf. and their appearance every episode. Most of the fillers of BW have been pretty bland in IMO, so to see them back at it would be a step up.

A Paul esq Rival. Someone who will have a greater influence on Ash. Paul was a well developed rival who pushed Ash to train his Pokemon to greater limits, something that was shown in their battle at the Lily of the Valley Conf. Male or female does not really matter to me, although a female main rival would be quite interesting.

Toss Cilan and Iris, and bring back Brock. I mean yes I know he's gone for good. But I found without Brock and TR this series... It made me skip the first half of BW cause I couldn't stand it, mainly because of Cilan and Iris. I watch it now in Japanese strictly so I don't understand what they're talking about. There personalities were... Boring.

Or instead of Brock, have a female take his roll as the mature older one. And bring back May, (Or so help me God) Dawn to do contests. That's a must. Having Iris do butt all this series except then belittle Ash and do her Dragon power BS, was a waste of space. Heck even having Max take over for Iris as Ash's student would be better then having another Iris character along.

Even though I know that this is the most unlikely thing ever, a smidge. And I mean just a smidge of romance thrown into the series. Like with the Misty hint's towards Ash, or like Ash and May in The Bicker the Better. Those episodes stood out for me the most, it developed characters more and were usually great episodes. Although making Ash utterly stupid to the concept of love like the Cottenne episode, is a straight up no.

Well My rant here is done.


Gradually replace BW Pokemon with XY, Well developed rival: Male or Female, new travelling companions, tad bit of romance, goofy TR, and good Villain plot line.
