"Riding in Cars with Boys" is directed by Penny Marshall and based on a memoir by the real Beverly Donofrio (reportedly much revised by the screenwriters). It's a brave movie, in the way it centers on a mother who gets trapped in the wrong life, doesn't get out for a long time, takes her misery out on her son, and blames everything on her fate and bad luck. The movie traces a series of developments that dig her deeper into unhappiness. Read More...
TikTok star known for his ability to make paintings out of Rubik's Cubes. His TikTok showcases challenges by his fans which he then turns into art. He often tries out different types of Rubik's Cube products. He has over 3.3 million followers and 59 million likes.
Before Fame He became a professional Rubik's Cube artist in October 2020.
Trivia He set the Guinness Book of World Records for the fastest Rubik's Cube solved while hula hooping. Read More...
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FLTMPS is a flexible, Web-based system that is specifically designed for fleet manpower, personnel, and training managers. It provides approved Internet users with the ability to quickly access many of the training, manpower, and personnel reports that are currently available in the NTMPS system, without the need to log in.
How can I get access to Fltmps, or anything along those lines? Visit https://ntmpsweb.nwptf.nuwc.navy.mil/oars_ net/ for more information. Read More...